Released METI’s Support Measures;-Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses


申請要領  中小企業向け / Guideline for company owners  (Japanese only)

申請要領 個人事業者向け/ Guideline for business owners  (Japanese only)

申請手順動画 / Process on Youtube

The preliminary version of the application guidelines for Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses has been released by METI on April 27th, 2020.  The COVID-19 pandemic presents significant challenges for our business and companies.  Let’s apply for this subsidy program and obtain the grant.  You can apply through the dedicated website. The website will be opened the day after the supplementary budget is established. The application period is set by January 15, 2021 with time to spare.

If you want to ensure whether your company or business is entitled or not, please contact me.  I will be briefly reviewing if you meet the criteria.

Outlines of  Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses: 

The total amount of subsidies is: 2 million yen for a corporation and 1 million yen for a self-employed business owner, etc., in principle, but the amount is not to exceed the figure for the year-on-year loss of sales. The formula for calculating the amount is as follows.

Amount of losses in sales = (total sales revenue in the previous year) – (sales in the month when a business faced a decrease in sales by 50% or more on a year-on-year, monthly basis x 12)
Please refer to Note 2 below.


  1. Taking into consideration the formula above as a basis, METI will continue to hold discussions on measures tailored to businesses and other entities that were newly established in 2019.
  2. Applicant businesses are permitted to select one month from January to December 2020 when they faced a decrease in sales by 50% or more on a year-on-year, monthly basis.