Permanent visa;- new additional requirements from July 1st, 2019


On June 21, 2019, the Ministry of Justice website suddenly updated the requirements for permanent residence applications, effected from July 1st, 2019. Please be noted that public documents have been newly listed and the total number of requirements has increased. If you say its merit on this updates, the required documents are clear enough. For those who meet the requirements, transparency and prompt examination are highly expected. Those who do not reach the requirements a little will see clear goals, so it should be easier to fix.

Outline of new requirements:

  1. National tax payment certificate (#3)  
  2. Copies of  “monthly records of total pension”
  3. Copies of the national pension insurance receipt for the last two years 
  4. Copies of the national health insurance receipt for the last two year
  5. Copies of the health insurance card
  6. Resident tax taxation certificate and tax payment certificate for the last 5 years

(* For 3 and 4, if you are enrolled the employee pension and employee health Insurance program, not required.)

(*For 6;-

If you are high skilled professional status with 80 points or more, required for the last 1 year
If you are high skilled professional status with 70 points or more, required for the last 3 years

If you are a Spouse or Child of Japanese National or Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident, required for the last 3 years )